Mikaela Friberg – Contract Coordinator

Meet our people:

Mikaela Friberg

Title: Contract Coordinator
Field: Finance & Lease Management
At Towers for: Dec 2021

“We work amazingly together towards a common goal even though we all work remotely and around Finland.

What motivates you working in DNA Tower /this industry?

We have a work environment that encourages growth and self-development, and I enjoy self-directed work where I can make independent decisions when required. The continuously evolving industry drives self-improvement on both a personal and company level. Not to forget I learn something new every day and develop my way of working.

Tell us about your work in DNA Tower:

As a contract coordinator at DNA Tower, my job involves managing equipment premises, masts, and land leases. In addition to administration, I handle the creation, updating, and renewal of contracts in collaboration with developers and partners. I also ensure the accuracy of all contracts and invoices. My role requires extensive cooperation and communication with internal and external stakeholders.

When did you start working in DNA Tower?

December 2021

What’s unique about the working environment/culture in DNA Tower?

I believe our working environment is unique because despite working remotely and across Finland, we collaborate remarkably well toward a common goal. Meeting 2-3 times a year fosters a strong connection where every reunion feels like we just met yesterday. Though it might sound cliché, I genuinely feel we are a unified “work family.”

Why should people apply for a position in DNA Tower?

I can honestly say that I look forward to work every day. Joining DNA Tower means working with and learning from the brightest professionals in the industry. Our open and encouraging work atmosphere allows you to truly be yourself.

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Björn Berglund – Site Management

Meet our people:

Björn Berglund

Title: Site Management
Field: Telenor Tower Sweden

“Each day brings new challenges and unexpected problems that needs tackling and solving.  This makes my work dynamic, diverse, and far from predictable.

What exactly are you working with in Telenor Tower Sweden:

As a member of the Site Management team, my role as Site Manager involves overseeing the full lifecycle of all Telenor Tower sites. My responsibilities include tracking and monitoring inventory, developing processes for maximum efficiency, and ensuring our facilities support our business operations effectively. The work is varied, encompassing both high-level and ground-level tasks. This includes collaboration with suppliers and the Network Operations Center (NOC), managing administrative tasks, project management, technical analysis, and strategic planning.

What’s your educational background?

I hold a degree in electrical engineering. My career began at ABB, where I worked as a consultant for Ericsson, focusing on the global deployment of mobile networks. Later, I participated in swap projects, involving the replacement of old technology with new solutions. I have extensive experience in site engineering and integration, and as an engineering manager. My work involved conducting surveys, creating installation instructions, and leading on-site teams in constructing sites.

When did you start working in Telenor Tower Sweden?

I joined Telenor Tower Sweden in March 2020, during the peak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

What was your dream job growing up?

Growing up, I aspired to be a police officer and explored being a DJ. As a kid I always wanted to travel the world as well.

What is exciting about tour role in a larger perspective?

The best part about my job is its unpredictability. Each day brings new challenges and unexpected problems that needs tackling and solving. This makes the work dynamic, diverse, and far from predictable.

Why is Telenor Tower Sweden such a great place to work?

The primary reason is my colleagues – a group of knowledgeable team members in an open-minded environment, with efficient decision-making processes. Here, one feels valued, heard, and trusted. The company culture encourages informed decision-making, fostering an environment where making mistakes is part of learning. The industry’s evolution offers significant opportunities for personal development.

What motivates you working in Telenor Tower Sweden /this industry?

My motivation stems from a passion for technology and innovative solutions. The industry’s constant evolution keeps my role dynamic and challenging. Working alongside fun and knowledgeable people, coupled with the necessity to continuously learn new technologies, is a big bonus.

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Read more stories from our employees

Meet our people

"We challenge industry norms and dare to think new and alternative."
"Working in a smaller company like Telenor Tower Sweden is incredibly rewarding. Every contribution directly impacts the company's results, giving each team member a central role."
"We are a small and efficient team and one of the most important things is that we have a good team spirit."
"I find it exciting to see how my experience can give us new perspectives. These insights can enable us to provide innovative services to our customers."
"We work amazingly together towards a common goal even though we all work remotely and around Finland"
"Each day brings new challenges and unexpected problems that needs tackling and solving. This makes my work dynamic, diverse, and far from predictable."
"Working with 20 different technical departments towards the green shift is an incredible opportunity to be part of a transformative initiative."
"I thrive on utilizing my background to drive meaningful change based on customer feedback"
"I believe that cooperative efforts yield the best solutions for our customers"