
Contact us

Below you will find our contact information. Feel free to reach out to us whether you are a new customer, an existing customer, want to report a fault or have other questions.

We are here to assist you and look forward to receiving your enquiry.

Select your area

    Former Telenor Norge clients

    Please call:


    +47 800 40 501

    Former Norkring clients

    Please call:


    +47 22 77 30 00

    Or fill out the form below

    Telenor Towers

    Contact Telenor Towers

    Snarøyveien 30
    N-1360 Fornebu

    Telenor Infra AS
    Company number (VAT): 971 050 365

    Contact for existing clients

    Contact for press

    Feilmelding tidligere Telenor Norge
    800 40 501
    Åpningstid: 24 timer/365 dager i året

    Feilmelding tidligere Norkring
    22 77 30 00
    Åpningstid: 24 timer/365 dager i året

    New customer?

    Telenor Towers operates more than 20 000 sites and hundreds of equipment spaces and cabins across the Nordic regiony. We have more than 100 years of experience with infrastructure and are proud to be the one of the largest tower company in the Nordics.

    Our programme for masts and towers replacements enables us to increase our capacity and availability at our sites. This means that we can tailor individual solutions whether your needs are at national, regional or at a local level – or even internationally.

    Our promise is that you can trust the Telenor Tower team to work high and low to find high-quality solutions for you and your services!

    Contact us to become a customer! >

    “We are constantly developing both our services and ourselves to meet our customers’ rapidly changing needs.”

    Cathrine Gulbrandsen
    CCO, Telenor Towers